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You can use integrated items or other stuff.

Tech, FS and other parts must stay coherent with the whole map and be fun and fluid to play.

A minimum of decoration is required.


The important points

  1. The maps must last between 1m45s and 3m

  2. To include at least 3 styles(FS, Tech, Dirt, trial, Speedtech,).

  3. Have the opportunity to respawn at CPS

  4. The Mediatracker must be done (GPS, switch of camera, etc.)

  5. Use the team's panels:-> Télécharger depuis Dropbox <-

  6. Use this name: $6f6UniSB$777Weekly$777 - "name map" choose the color you want.

Send your map and a way to give you our feedback to this email :

The maps will be submitted to a team validation.

Submit map

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